Location/place: Mumbai

Name of company/service: Thomas Cook


Being the vacation time it is in India, all of us gear up to spend a memorable holiday away from the busy city life. So was the case with us. We have planned a vacation to Europe for about 6 months now and finally decided to onboard the 18 days European Grandeur via Thomas Cook. The booking was done for 10 Pax through their trip advisor Mr Ranganathan Iyer ( +91-9819836022 [email protected]) for a price agreed and confirmed. This booking was also done in presence of Mr Parimal from AurusTravels( +91-9820229345 ). The booking was confirmed on 12thfeb 2013 and the travel date confirmed was 15th June though we were asking for a 2nd May travel but still be agreed to the travel date of 15th June 2013. The advance of Rs 50,000 per pax was paid to Thomas Cook for the same in the same week itself and they told us to complete the visa formalities.

As soon as the Visa documents were complete from our side on April 6thwe got the below mail from Thomas Cook team saying that there is an increase in the fuel surcharge from the airline. Provided we pay those charges then only would they process our visas. Below is the mail.

From: Mundhawa, Paresh [mailto:[email protected]]
Sent: Tuesday, April 09, 2013 9:25 PM
Cc: Thomas, Ravi; Iyer, Ranganathan; Gohil, Yogesh

Dear Parimal

This in regards to your booking with Thomas Cook.

As you are all aware, fuel prices have been increasing due to increase in cost of fuel. Consequently airlines across the globe have increased their fuel surcharge cost / fares on all tickets, resulting in an increase in the airfare. Subsequently we are left with no alternative but to pass on this increase to our customers.

This will apply to both adults and children. I’m also attaching fuel surcharge circular from various airlines for your reference.

The additional amount that we have to charge is as given below charges are per person.

• USA : INR 9900
• EUROPE : INR 5500
• Far East (Thailand, Malaysia, Singapore) : INR 2400
• China, Japan, Hong Kong: INR 4600
• Australia / New Zealand & Rest of Africa(except Mauritius): INR 3000

We have a clear Performa Invoice and email from Thomas Cook that there would be only change in the tour price due to Euro Fluctuation to which we agreed.
Just when we asked them to collect the visa papers they told us that there is an increase in the cost and that we would have to pay Rs 5500 per pax for the tour. We tried speaking to them to justify the cost as they had taken the payment in advance and why they still hadn’t blocked the tickets. They had no answer to this. We asked them to share the flight details on which airline were we travelling and to which airline was charging such a huge surcharge and why till now they had not booked the tickets even after collecting the advance.
They shared with us a circular dated Nov 2012 from Qatar airlines. If they had the information dated Nov 2012 then for sure when they closed the deal with us in feb 2013 they would have accounted for the same. Also note they had no confirmation nor till today have the confirmation on which airline would we be travelling.
We retaliated to this and asked them to refund the amount cosof their inability to fly us at the agreed cost and for using the money till now. They came back saying that they would deduct the cancellation charges. Guys from Thomas cook like MrSujith Nair ( Regional sales head ) were also were rude in their talks and once you pay them and your money is blocked they don’t care to revert or refund the amount.
Not only companies like Thomas cook run away with your money, they spoil the entire tempo for the holiday and make you run from pillar to post with no ethics. While picking up the deal they use to call repeatedly with all the pep talk and get their tour manager along to promise you a holiday of a lifetime and once you get into their trap they have no courtesy to fulfill their promises but look for ways to trap you and extract more money from you.
Thomas cook is proving to be a taboo to the tourism industry in India and I would urge all folks booking with Thomas cook to be careful of such pranks. Till date we are waiting and have decided to take a legal action against them for such aunruly behavior and dishonest service.
Kindly refrain from travelling or booking with Thomas Cook. They are crooks.
We have all the proofs and email and can share the same with anyone who wants to understand the loot generated by ThomasCook in India.
Your truly,
Siddharth Mehta
( [email protected])


5 responses to “Thomas Cook”

  1. Dear Siddarth,

    Mr. Fulwani, Senior Manager from our Holidays Team, has spoken to you and we hope your concern has been satisfactorily resolved. Our very best wishes to you for a great trip to Europe.

    Warm Regards,
    Team Thomas Cook India

  2. Image
    SUBJECT: Thomas Cook (India) Ltd : Dr R.K.Khemuka
    Response By E-mail (18/11/2014 05.43 PM)

    Dear Dr. Khemuka,

    This is further to our response dated November 18, 2014 and your email on the same date.

    At the outset, we regret, if the explanation contained in our previous email was at variance with your experience. We can assure you, however, that our reply was not intended to dispute your version of the events but was a genuine attempt to put forth the information we received from our operations.

    Our team categorically states that our tour manager was present at the airport until they were apprised that you have reached the incorrect hotel. However, we regret the mishap caused.

    Dr. Khemuka, I assure you that your comments have been noted in the right spirit and will certainly influence us in our future review. The feedback that we receive from discerning clients like yourself assists us in better analysis of our performance and enables us to take appropriate action.

    Having shared above, we thank you once again for giving us an opportunity to clarify our stance with request to restore your confidence in our services that we are known for.

    Best Regards,

    Priyanka Koshy
    Service Quality & Customer Care
    Thomas Cook (India) Limited – Mumbai
    Visit us at http://www.thomascook.in

    Customer By CSS E-mail (18/11/2014 04.45 PM)

    ———- Forwarded message ———-

    Dear Sir,
    Your statement that “however on investigating with our operations team
    we are given to understand that the tour manager was present at the
    airport along with the rest of the group” in no way answers her
    neglect to count her flock which included us couple who were left
    stranded at the airport to fend for themselves. Such an evasive reply
    justifying the highly objectionable conduct of the tour manager,
    though on the expected lines, is unfortunate and irresponsible on the
    part of the Company of your repute. We have clearly stated in our
    complaint that we later came to know that the Tour Manager indeed
    attended the other tourists but left us for reasons known to her. You
    have also failed to clarify as to why the Tour Manager repeatedly
    failed to respond to our frantic calls on the cell phone provided to
    the members for such emergencies.
    Dr. R K Khemuka

    On 11/18/14, Thomas Cook India Service Quality
    Customer By CSS E-mail (18/11/2014 01.50 PM)

    Dear Sir,
    Your statement that “however on investigating with our operations team
    we are given to understand that the tour manager was present at the
    airport along with the rest of the group” in no way answers her
    neglect to count her flock which included us couple who were left
    stranded at the airport to fend for themselves. Such an evasive reply
    justifying the highly objectionable conduct of the tour manager,
    though on the expected lines, is unfortunate and irresponsible on the
    part of the Company of your repute. We have clearly stated in our
    complaint that we later came to know that the Tour Manager indeed
    attended the other tourists but left us for reasons known to her.
    Dr. R K Khemuka

    On 11/18/14, Thomas Cook India Service Quality
    Response By E-mail (18/11/2014 01.05 PM)

    Dear Dr. Khemuka,

    This is further to our interim email dated November 7, 2014.

    At the outset, we express our sincere gratitude to you for sparing your valuable time in writing to us and we appreciate your effort in sharing the on-tour experience, post your arrival in India.

    We sincerely regret the hassle you had to undergo at the airport, however on investigating with our operations team we are given to understand that the tour manager was present at the airport along with the rest of the group. Notwithstanding the same, please be assured we have passed on your concerns to our operations team to ensure such miscommunications do not occur in the future.

    Dr. Khemuka, as regards the email id on the tour documents we wish to submit that the same was inadvertently mentioned and we genuinely apologize for the same.

    Moreover, we have made a note of the inputs you have shared with us and would like to reassure you that going forward we shall explore the possibility of altering our service, making the entire process much more smooth.

    We take this opportunity to thank you for your valuable input with an objective to help us enhance our service delivery standards.

    Thank you for communicating with us.

    Best Regards,

    Priyanka Koshy
    Service Quality & Customer Care
    Thomas Cook (India) Ltd- Mumbai
    Visit us at http://www.thomascook.in

    Customer By CSS E-mail (08/11/2014 02.10 PM)

    Dear Sirs,
    Please also convey as to why the email addressed to the ID
    [email protected] given on your tour documents was returned
    Dr. R.K.Khemuka

    On 11/7/14, Thomas Cook India Service Quality
    Response By E-mail (07/11/2014 06.26 PM)

    Dear Dr. Khemuka,

    This is further to our auto acknowledgment email dated November 7, 2014 in response to your email of the same date regarding your tour to USA.

    While we thank you for your feedback, we would like to let you know that we have taken up the matter with our Operations Team and are in the process of collecting all the facts.

    We will definitely revert to you at the earliest. Kindly bear with us in the interim period.

    Kindly do not amend the subject line as this is your case reference number.

    Best Regards,

    Priyanka Koshy
    Service Quality & Customer Care
    Thomas Cook (India) Ltd- Mumbai
    Visit us at http://www.thomascook.in

    Auto-Response By (07/11/2014 05.15 PM)

    Dear Parth Garg,

    We acknowledge the receipt of your email.

    For any service issues, allow us time to look into the matter and we / concerned Thomas Cook representative, will revert to you at the earliest.
    We thank you for your patience in the interim.
    Our normal working hours are 9:30 AM – 6:00 PM (Monday – Friday).

    Service Quality & Customer Care Team
    Thomas Cook (India) Ltd – Mumbai
    Visit us at http://www.thomascook.in

    Customer By CSS E-mail (07/11/2014 05.15 PM)

    ———- Forwarded message ———-
    From: [email protected]
    Date: Fri, 7 Nov 2014 16:56:18 +0530
    Subject: Undeliverable: Advance Copy of our complaint
    To: [email protected]

    Delivery has failed to these recipients or groups:

    [email protected]
    The e-mail address you entered couldn’t be found. Please check the
    recipient’s e-mail address and try to resend the message. If the
    problem continues, please contact your helpdesk.

    Diagnostic information for administrators:

    Generating server: in.thomascook.com

    [email protected]
    #550 5.1.1 RESOLVER.ADR.RecipNotFound; not found
    ##rfc822;[email protected]

    Original message headers:

    Received: from mail3.softcell.co.in ( by EXCHMUMHO.tcil.com
    ( with Microsoft SMTP Server (TLS) id; Fri, 7 Nov
    2014 16:56:17 +0530
    Received: from mta11.cleansmtp.powerelay.com (mta11.cleansmtp.powerelay.com
    []) (using TLSv1 with cipher RC4-SHA (128/128
    bits)) (No client
    certificate requested) by mail3.softcell.co.in (Postfix) with ESMTP id
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    Date: Fri, 7 Nov 2014 16:56:11 +0530
    Subject: Advance Copy of our complaint
    From: Parth Garg
    Content-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary=”001a113b95e27f42c70507431484″
    Return-Path: [email protected]

    ==================== application File Attachment ====================
    Dr R K Khemuka on Thomas Cook Tour.docx, 12848 bytes, Added to incident

    Reply | Reply to all | Forward | Print | Delete | Show original

    Add star Parth Garg Wed, Nov 19, 2014 at 1:50 PM
    To: Thomas Cook India Service Quality
    Reply | Reply to all | Forward | Print | Delete | Show original
    The way you are shielding your guilty tour manager shows that she is
    indispensable for the company even at the cost of loosing confidence
    of your customers. Rest assured that we will certainly share our bad
    experience of your services and the vague justification put by you for
    the lapse on your part with our relatives and friends.
    Dr R.K.Khemuka

    On 11/18/14, Thomas Cook India Service Quality
    > Recently you requested personal assistance from our on-line support
    > center. Below is a summary of your request and our response.
    > If this issue is not resolved to your satisfaction, you may reopen it within
    > the next days.
    > Thank you for allowing us to be of service to you.
    > To access your question from our support site, click
    > http://thomascookindia.custhelp.com/app/account/questions/detail/i_id/249672/track/AvOZ_QpvDv8S~VnpGloe~yL5mPUKei75Mv~1~zj~PP88/
    > —————————————————————
    > Subject
    > —————————————————————
    > Thomas Cook (India) Ltd : Dr R.K.Khemuka
    > Discussion Thread
    > —————————————————————
    > Response By E-mail (Priyanka Koshy) (18/11/2014 05.43 PM)
    > Dear Dr. Khemuka,
    > This is further to our response dated November 18, 2014 and your email on
    > the same date.
    > At the outset, we regret, if the explanation contained in our previous email
    > was at variance with your experience. We can assure you, however, that our
    > reply was not intended to dispute your version of the events but was a
    > genuine attempt to put forth the information we received from our
    > operations.
    > Our team categorically states that our tour manager was present at the
    > airport until they were apprised that you have reached the incorrect hotel.
    > However, we regret the mishap caused.
    > Dr. Khemuka, I assure you that your comments have been noted in the right
    > spirit and will certainly influence us in our future review. The feedback
    > that we receive from discerning clients like yourself assists us in better
    > analysis of our performance and enables us to take appropriate action.
    > Having shared above, we thank you once again for giving us an opportunity to
    > clarify our stance with request to restore your confidence in our services
    > that we are known for.
    > Best Regards,
    > Priyanka Koshy
    > Service Quality & Customer Care
    > Thomas Cook (India) Limited – Mumbai
    > Visit us at http://www.thomascook.in
    > Customer By CSS E-mail (Parth Garg) (18/11/2014 04.45 PM)
    > ———- Forwarded message ———-
    > Dear Sir,
    > Your statement that “however on investigating with our operations team
    > we are given to understand that the tour manager was present at the
    > airport along with the rest of the group” in no way answers her
    > neglect to count her flock which included us couple who were left
    > stranded at the airport to fend for themselves. Such an evasive reply
    > justifying the highly objectionable conduct of the tour manager,
    > though on the expected lines, is unfortunate and irresponsible on the
    > part of the Company of your repute. We have clearly stated in our
    > complaint that we later came to know that the Tour Manager indeed
    > attended the other tourists but left us for reasons known to her. You
    > have also failed to clarify as to why the Tour Manager repeatedly
    > failed to respond to our frantic calls on the cell phone provided to
    > the members for such emergencies.
    > Dr. R K Khemuka
    > ======================================================================
    > On 11/18/14, Thomas Cook India Service Quality
    > wrote:
    > Customer By CSS E-mail (Parth Garg) (18/11/2014 01.50 PM)
    > Dear Sir,
    > Your statement that “however on investigating with our operations team
    > we are given to understand that the tour manager was present at the
    > airport along with the rest of the group” in no way answers her
    > neglect to count her flock which included us couple who were left
    > stranded at the airport to fend for themselves. Such an evasive reply
    > justifying the highly objectionable conduct of the tour manager,
    > though on the expected lines, is unfortunate and irresponsible on the
    > part of the Company of your repute. We have clearly stated in our
    > complaint that we later came to know that the Tour Manager indeed
    > attended the other tourists but left us for reasons known to her.
    > Dr. R K Khemuka
    > On 11/18/14, Thomas Cook India Service Quality
    > wrote:
    > Response By E-mail (Priyanka Koshy) (18/11/2014 01.05 PM)
    – Show quoted text –
    > Customer By CSS E-mail (Parth Garg) (08/11/2014 02.10 PM)
    > Dear Sirs,
    > Please also convey as to why the email addressed to the ID
    > [email protected] given on your tour documents was returned
    > undelivered.
    > Thanks,
    > Dr. R.K.Khemuka
    > On 11/7/14, Thomas Cook India Service Quality
    > wrote:
    > Response By E-mail (Priyanka Koshy) (07/11/2014 06.26 PM)
    > Dear Dr. Khemuka,
    > This is further to our auto acknowledgment email dated November 7, 2014 in
    > response to your email of the same date regarding your tour to USA.
    > While we thank you for your feedback, we would like to let you know that we
    > have taken up the matter with our Operations Team and are in the process of
    > collecting all the facts.
    > We will definitely revert to you at the earliest. Kindly bear with us in the
    > interim period.
    > Kindly do not amend the subject line as this is your case reference number.
    > Best Regards,
    > Priyanka Koshy
    > Service Quality & Customer Care
    > Thomas Cook (India) Ltd- Mumbai
    > Visit us at http://www.thomascook.in
    > Auto-Response By (Administrator) (07/11/2014 05.15 PM)
    > Dear Parth Garg, We acknowledge the receipt of your email. For any service
    > issues, allow us time to look into the matter and we / concerned Thomas Cook
    > representative, will revert to you at the earliest.We thank you for your
    > patience in the interim.Our normal working hours are 9:30 AM – 6:00 PM
    > (Monday – Friday). Regards,Service Quality & Customer Care TeamThomas Cook
    > (India) Ltd – Mumbai Visit us at http://www.thomascook.in
    > Customer By CSS E-mail (Parth Garg) (07/11/2014 05.15 PM)
    – Show quoted text –
    > Question Reference # 141107-000934
    > Date Created: 07/11/2014 05.15 PM
    > Date Last Updated: 18/11/2014 05.43 PM
    > Status: Resolved
    > [—001:008758:46673—]

  3. I’m headed to Madagascar for a holiday. Thomas Cook quoted a price of INR 14000 for a 7 day tourist visa, whereas the actual price if you applied to the consulate is about a third of that and Madagascar has FREE OF COST visa on arrival for people of any nationality for upto 7 days.

    We tried getting a visa for Ethiopia through Thomas Cook as well. Even that was priced at double of the actual consulate fees. I don’t understand how the commission could be more than the actual fee itself.

  4. Applied for VISA services with Thomas cook…but did not get appointments because of internal communication gap between the call centre and the Visa processing office …infact the call centre executive disappeared after taking payment and Visa processing office RECEIVED our application after 45 days of my follow up…very worst and disappointing services.
    They better close down their office as they are very incapable of handling their own staff differences, customer support and travel related work

  5. Travel is our passion and our life work. It’s what we do all day every day. We plan your travel itineraries to make up with maximize the value of any trip through our connections and knowledge, travelers often end up saving you money.We specialize in world-class customer service and experiences.Your trips would be completely based around your interests and schedule—they are one-of-a-kind experiences that are as unique as you are.

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