Location/place: Kolkata
Name of company/service: Airtel DTH
I, Mr. B. B. Saha, 76 years old, took Airtel DTH first connection on 12th february 2013 & second connection on 14th february 2013 with one year warantee from local dealer M/S BHABANI HARDWARE , address: 14, Kali Bari Lane, Kolkata-32. My ID 3012020710. But from 1st day remote control of 2nd connection is not working properly.
I told my dealer to make complain on 22nd february for that. He told me that he had done that. But i did not get any response from airtel. Then my dealer’s shop was closed for 15 days. In between i tried to call customer care (18001028080) severel times to make complaint but always found it was busy.
Again my dealer make complaint on 14 th March then i got a messege from Airtel on 15th. An engineer came to my house on 17th & said that the set top box & remote both are defective & he can replace with a old repaired set top box , which is not acceptable to us. I demand the defective set top box to be replaced with a new set top box.
May I, therefore, request the consumer forum to help me in replaceing this defective set top box with new one.
B. B. Saha
66A, Central Road,
Kolkata- 700032
Phone Number : 03324124857
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