Not Refunding my balance for the deduction by mistake

Location/place: Khair

Name of company/service: Vodafone

My name is Jitendra and I have a vodafone connection in prepaid no. is 9411978999. Today the company have deducted my balance as Rs. 30 for the matri services and not refunding the money I have just talked to the customer care lot of times but there is no response to refund my money the company executives are saying that there is no possibility of refund of money in the company. Any of the care executive is giving satisfactory answer to me. Before deduction of my account balance I just talked to the customer care and take the info about the net recharge after this conversation the company have deducted my account and not refunding my balance to me. On of them told that You may Port ur mobile number in any company but company will not refund you any type of amount. Please help me to refund my account balance.


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