Discanected my mobile number 9826443278 without any reason

Location/place: bilaspur

Name of company/service: idea celluer

Dear Sir,
i had contect to idea celluer comp regarding my pospaid billing amount, aknolegment, but he not given any satisfectory respons from idea comp and that same time he discanect my mobile phone, i do,nt understand why its happaning, my phone number is 9826443278 and my due dated is 1/3/13, kindly look the above matter do the very needful as i am facing riduculous problem so kindly help the in situation as soon as possible,
thanks & regards,
sujit sharma,


One response to “Discanected my mobile number 9826443278 without any reason”

  1. Idea Cellular Avatar
    Idea Cellular

    Dear Sir,

    We wish to inform you that the services for your Idea number has already been activated. For further assistance, kindly contact to our Idea customer care helpline.

    Idea Cellular

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