my airtel number is 8105724518 is not working

Location/place: 198/2, nandani layout t.n. pura main road, allanally,mysore 28. karanataka

Name of company/service: airtel

I am a bussinessman. I use a mobile number 8105724518. I m the coustmer in tata docomo in last 18th i port to my mobile number in airtel. the docomo was did his duty to cut my cunnession in his network but the airtel was not take me hisnetwork. i give my id provess in outlet atlest three times but they was not care. I am in so problems & many of loss in my bussiness because my mobile nomber is not working. Please help me and do a action and start my number.


2 responses to “my airtel number is 8105724518 is not working”

  1. Dear Customer,

    We have received your complaint and we will ensure it is resolved soon.

    Thanks and Regards,
    Customer Care
    Tata DOCOMO.

  2. Dear Customer,

    We called you on 8105724518 and confirmed that the issue has been resolved. We would like to inform you that the number has been disconnected due to successful MNP port-out.
    Thanks and Regards,
    Customer Care
    Tata DOCOMO.

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