Maturity Not received

Location/place: Hyderabad

Name of company/service: LIC of India LTD

I Bina Mithilesh Patel am the holder of LIC policy no 834047195 [Asarva br, Ahmedabad]. On December 2, 2012 I submiited the said Original LIC Policy bond, NEFT form and a cancelled cheque leaf for claiming maturity. THe policy has been matured in September 2011. But since we have relocated to hyderabad , I could submit the relevant documents for claiming matuirty only in DEcember 2012. I was assured that I would receive the maturity thru ECS by Jan 11, 2013. But on not receiving the amount I called up to enquire and was assured of another 2 days .
I would like to know the reason for delay in releasing the maturity and also get the issue resolved at the earliest.


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