Location/place: NOIDA

Name of company/service: BHARTI AIRTEL

I am using post paid no of airtel for the last2 years. I was gettign inflated bills for the last 6 months . I contacted the customer complaint cell but what i received was only assurance. For the last 3 months i stopped paying the bills as there were huge discrepancy in the bills. Moreover i left my job and went back to my hometown so i requested the airtel people to connect my incoming calls as my health is not good being a diabetic patient. they disconnected my incoming calls and outgoing and for the last 3 months they have charged highly and sent inflated bills on my ADDRESS. When i declined to pay they sent some goons like agents for collection. Since this is not fair i want apology from the company itself as whenever they contacted i always said that i will pay the bill that is justifed as i reach noida and start my operations. If this complaint doesn’t resolve i am going to registr a case of mental harrasment agaionst airtel as already my health is down this pressure is making me feel more tensed in this detoriating health conditn.


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