please remove my complaint from your website

Location/place: India

Name of company/service: consumer forums

My user name is Target, and What Ip address you are talking about I dont know what is this ip address. I am a common man and I dont know what does Ip address means.

I am a non technical person and I am not understanding your requirement I can just tell you my user name which i have mentioned above.
kindly resolve my problem now as its been a very long time and I had posted a complaint because of my doubts against their frauds they have sent me a legal proof for that area and I am buying that plot which was decided. I don’t have any problem with that company. Sir, I don’t want that complaint to be there on that website as this could create further problems in my plot. Sir, I am requesting you to please remove that complaint please understand my situation.

my complaint is posted on this website link :


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