Location/place: kozhikode

Name of company/service: MTS systema shyam

28th November, 2012

Respected Sir,

I, Vinod Kalathil Parambil using your MTS HTC connection under the 1500 plan. The connection number is 9142000177. I bought the connection from your show room (M/s. Smart Devices, Indoor stadium,Kozhikode, Kerala) in September 2011. I wish to book my complaint as below to your kind perusal. The same issue was faced by me during June 2012 also.

M/s.Systema Shyma had presented ECS cheque and collected an amount of `. 1,775/-(Rupees one thousand seven hundred and fifty only) against bill due on the connection from my bank account on 26.09.2012. My bank account is kept with State Bank of Travancore, Kozhikode Main Branch (Account No 67022732250) has taken by Systema Shyam (vide Transaction ID 0000550143330). The payment seems not entered with my connection with MTS.

The complaint I booked in the customer care number two times (Request No: C12-49170891 dated 17.10.2012 and C12-49653988 dated 23.11.2012) and one complaint at M/s. Smart Devices,Indoor Stadium, Kozhikode on October 16th, 2012 .The showroom staff has forwarded the complaint to their head office and the customer care resolution has not completed till date.

But till date the acknowledgement of amount in my MTS account has not updated. The payment is still missing and unrecorded at your end. My connection is disconnected with effect from 19.11.2012 against nonpayment of bill the said amount.

Hence I request you to kindly look in to the matter and awaiting an early reply from your end. This is to inform you that, I had booked a complaint before the Consumer Forum, Kozhikode and a complaint with my Bank and forwarded the copy of the details to various Media available in kozhikide. The negligence made by your company seems inhuman towards me.

All the above details forwarded for your immediate response and for kind information.

Thanking you

Yours truly

Vinod Kalathil Parambil

Address: Kalathil Parambil
Post Mangattiri
Tirur, Malappuram district
Kerala Pin 676105


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