Fraud Company UTBS India Ltd

Location/place: Hyderabad

Name of company/service: UTBS India Ltd

If anyone has been recruited by a company called UTBS India Ltd run by person named Ashok Mani, be ready to face the fraud. Because there is no such company called UTBS India Ltd anywhere. there is a website for this company but none of the phone numbers mentioned there work. Even the addresses provided on the website are fake and doesn’t exist at all. You may also raise police complain aganist this Fraud person
They go for campus recruitment at several engineering colleges and give the offer letters to the selected candidates with some joining date. But there is no such company, so nowhere to join.


19 responses to “Fraud Company UTBS India Ltd”

  1. suresh mittal Avatar
    suresh mittal

    You can visit this company by taking your time there is no can also call on this no.

  2. sangma thapa Avatar
    sangma thapa

    It is original company aftetall dont worry

  3. sangma thapa Avatar
    sangma thapa

    All students awarded by offer letter has been given job there is np body left

  4. sangma thapa Avatar
    sangma thapa

    Police complaint has been filed against the person who has made this rumour very soon you will find that one either who is that may be.

  5. I dont want to discuss on this topic please go on thr mca websitr http://www.mcagov.on and check this company name you will find it correct so dont go on rumour i have checked you can check now

  6. Ashok mani has 43 fraud companies i can count bcoz he has 51 wifes.

  7. UTBS India Ltd is a FRAUD COMPANY

  8. thats may be a rumour harish

  9. rahul verma Avatar
    rahul verma

    This is a good company dont worry my brother lives in delhi he told me tomorrow. In the morning about the company it has four offices in delhi itself.patel nagar,sant nagar,burari,mukundpur.
    You should also come for visit dont believe in rumour.

  10. Yes this is a fake company and ASHOK mani is really a big FRAUD. he is only one owner of the company……he makes fool to the director and management of the college.

  11. Truely Said…..

    Ashok Mani is Really a Big Fruad….he is the only owner..of UTBS INDIA Ltd…

    Engineers ko labours ke rate pe kaam karwata hai..aur sare fruad ke kaam bhi karta hai..He even don’t have his own office…to he tries to find a college where he can set his office to show to other peoples…

  12. I m not sure yar mera to selection ni hua mca me check kro bhai jan allah ki marzi.
    I dont want want to comment any body sorry for any comment.

  13. Ashok mony is a fraud,fraud,fraud i also went for joining bt he told me to sign a Bond of RS. 50000 only and after that i found he was joking with some body else saying that “I did a business of 1 lac today” another person asked how he said i will not give him 50000 k and he will do a work for me of worth 50000
    BHai jana hai to jao….bt APne risk per…….

  14. ashok mani Avatar
    ashok mani

    I m forced to write about awareness of all of you.

    I m hr head of this company contact no.9958521459

    These all comments are written by only one person who was blacklisted from my can check the past records of this company and can enquiry about it if any person has given offer letter he/she has been given job also.
    If any body wants to visit can do 24*7 .
    I never ask for a single money to join the company there is bond of six month only without depositing money.but you have to give obly affidevit from court only.

    These all posts are written by same dirty mind person.
    If any body is complaining that he or she has been given offer letter and till now has not been placed should publish that offer letter in news paper and should publish his no. In his articles so that people can contact him.
    This company is real one you can enquiry about from ministry of corporate affairs india by telephone call you can visit this company you can check from indian government website also.

    Those students who want to join this company should contact their seniors who has joined utbs india.
    Never mind about rumours beleive in company for verification directly come to company and can call me also.

    Thank you from now i will never post any comment if any body will publish using my name that will be false only.

    Thank you. Happy new year.

  15. Well said ashok mani Previously i only Know you as Fraud ashok mani but today i Come to know you are Blind Also..
    There is not a single person who complain against you cant you see different name.If You are not the owner then who is the Owner….
    Is there any Ghost run your company ediot…
    and where is your the location of your company except colleges…
    If you are a Hr head of the company show your salary slip….show who is the owner of your company…

  16. he also visited our college as the name manish mani…..
    hope the student got selcetion in his company got well ….and rest all dont know what happen with them…….

  17. i m sure not that this is fraud one so dont belive on this rumour ……..go and check the same…….

  18. Dear ashok mani sir wht do u think r people of india fools sitting ovr here..
    dear friends this man is a fraud and ryt now is in RD COLLEGE mei hi UTBS ka office h..he recruits da stutent from different colleges bt they never get placed…is company ka koi head office nhi hai…is company ka koi address nhi h…evrythn given upon website is fake…ashok mani colleges ko loot ta hai vha incubation centres khol kar..colleges mei projects bana kar college ko hi bech deta h…right now da only place where you can find utbs is in rd college…
    so guys better watch out of this fraud person..dont come under his influence your life career may get spoiled bcoz ov him…