Location/place: GHAZIABAD

Name of company/service: SYMPHONY SERVICE CENTRE

I bought a hi cool cooler of SYMPHONY on 12-MAY-2012 and i was assured that the symphony will provide good services and any problem occurs will be resolved in 24hrs.
On 27-MAY-2012 pump of my coller was not working so i lodged complaint in the IVRS of SYMPHONY centre wid contact no:7930130111 and registerd my complaint i thought this will directly go to the centre and my problem will be rectified by max 28-MAY but it was preety strange whn i saw tht a complaint no “GZC-29E12002” was messaged to me on 29-MAy at 02:33 am and it stated thth this problem will be resolved wid in 24 hrs I called service centre no:-9212201458,8800091214 and they told that they are wid heavy load so this issue will be resolved on 30_MAy
when i called on 30-may the employees there gave preety irresponsible answers tht i must have called before 10 am or after 12:00 whn thr technician are there so tht they can assign the task
On 31-MAy i called again the employee named RAMA told that i must call at 01:00 pm and she will assign task again whn i called on service centre spoke to Rama she told tht now she cannot help as technician have left and i should call at 10:00am and she switched off the phone
Now its being more thn 5 days im not getting proper feedbacks again i called Mr Tyagi one of the employee he told that he will solve the issue on 1-June-2012 but whn i satrted calling him on 01-JUNE-2012 his phone is unreachable

This will be kind if Indian government gets the authorization of these fake and worst service centre cancelled



  1. Sane thing happened wid me as well i lodged complaint in this forum no response

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