Location/place: HYDERABAD

Name of company/service: VODAFONE

I have canclled MY VODAFONE Number on 17 dec 2011 and I have receipt of balance amt paid of Rs
16/- on the same day my deposit Rs300/- also include in balance bill amt.
total Rs316/- I have paid on the day 17 dec 2011.but still bill was generating.
and i have a mail from vodafone corporate there is no unbilled amt on my cancled number 988584045.


15 responses to “SIM CANCELLATION”

  1. Hello Sir/Madam,

    Kindly share your current contact details and an alternate number here We’ll check and get back to you at the earliest.

    Vodafone Customer Care

  2. gunda sukumar Avatar
    gunda sukumar


    This month also i got the bill whats happening at ur end

    my alternate number 9652076424.

  3. gunda sukumar Avatar
    gunda sukumar

    reminder 1

  4. gunda sukumar Avatar
    gunda sukumar

    what happend?

  5. Hello Sukumar,

    Please share 10 digit Vodafone number(we have received 9 digit number 988584045) with us at, We’ll have it checked and get back to you in a short while.

    Vodafone Customer Care

  6. gunda sukumar Avatar
    gunda sukumar


  7. Hello Sukumar,

    We would like to inform you that a waiver has been processed, and you will not be charged from the next month.

    Vodafone Customer Care

  8. gunda sukumar Avatar
    gunda sukumar

    i want a clear confirmation about my sim cancellation through written copy and from next month i dont want to see your bill.

    pls do the needful.

  9. Hello Sukumar,

    Please email us at [email protected] from your registered email ID to get the confirmation.

    Vodafone Customer Care

  10. gunda sukumar Avatar
    gunda sukumar

    every month i get one confirmation mail but still the problem was not rectified.i don’t want through mail. i want hard copy. to my mailing address.

  11. Hello Sukumar,

    Thanks for writing to us. Please note that the given number was deactivated and it was not recharged. Unfortunately, we will not be able to provide with the hard copy of the same.

    Kind Regards,
    Vodafone Customer Care, Andhra Pradesh

  12. gunda sukumar Avatar
    gunda sukumar

    if next month bill comes again what should i do. you only tell. if it will reflecting on CIBIL i will take serious action.

  13. Hello Sukumar,

    We assure that you will not be charged henceforth as your number is completely deactivated. The service request number for the same is 338393441.

    Vodafone Customer Care.

  14. gunda sukumar Avatar
    gunda sukumar

    again this moths bill generated i never saw this type of fraud company.

  15. Hello Sukumar,

    We request you to kindly ignore the bill as there is no payment due on your account. We regret the inconvenience caused.

    Vodafone Customer Care.

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