Malpractises in Credit Card

Location/place: Mumbai

Name of company/service: HSBC

I hold a HSBC Visa Card which has been irregular in bill presentation and wanted to terminate the connection and was told to pay a particular amount and the settlement would happen. Soon thereafter I received amonther payment of Rs 200 due and a second one of Rs 350.00. I tried calling them on 08.01.2012 and was told to pay on line,which I registered and was told later that I could not do as as bank has withdrawn the facility, also the internet transaction from my HDFC account is also not possible, They do not have a Branch in Ranchi, where I am stationed and the only option is a drop box, which twice I have had a delayed experiences.It is really frustating to deal with such indifferent att itude of this bank who is just keen to have bills raised one after the other with no customer apathy. My no 9818700337


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