Location/place: Baddi

Name of company/service: Dabur India Limited, Baddi (HP)

Dear Sir/ Madam ,
I had purchased a nokia mobile battery (Nokia BL-4C 0670386495540 Q325110435030) dated 05/07/2012 from Sai Electrocare, opposite winsom textile Sai Road Baddi, Distt-Solan,HP ,173205. The battery did not work properly since the day I bought it. I went to the shopkeeper to discuss the issue and he was not ready to replace it. Then I went for some help in the nokia care centre in Baddi. I got to know from them that the battery which I procured from Sai Electrocare was not original; however I paid the money for the original battery price.
Therefore, I went again to Sai Electrocare and told him the same (that the battery is not original Nokia battery) . But he did not agree and denied the same. Final outcome was that the shopkeeper gave me the duplicate nokia battery when asked for the original one. During all the conversation with vendor my company driver was with me I felt very guilty. As a result I had to buy the original battery again from nokia care centre on 07.08.2012.(Nokia BL-4C SR 0670386417535T165 R22314213), because I was given duplicate nokia battery from Sai electrocare although I was asked for original battery and was charged rate even more than that of original battery. This is totally unfair with the consumer.
Please help me and take the necessary action against the shopkeeper so that he can’t sale the duplicate goods in the market.
With Warm Regards
Pradeep Sharma


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