Location/place: ghaziabad

Name of company/service: tikona wibro


I am Tarun Kumar from Pratap Vihar Ghaziabad, I installed tikona wibro services july ‘2011 and in between march and april I called customer care to disconnect my services as I dont want to use it antmore beacuse there service is not good . Since then they have not disconnected my services and kept on charging me even after not using there services. I have reported the same to Tikona Nodal office but nothing has been done they are still sending me the bill. and after some day a man from tikona come and disconnect my connection n take ther accessories n also billing amount, .. but still they sending me bill .

Please suggest what needs to be done and any guidence will be highly appreciated.

Thanks & Regards,

Tarun Kumar
Unsatisfied and harrased Tikona WiBro user.


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